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Before and after

Creating one beautiful smile at a time.

Actual Korne Ortho Patients

Click on the patient to view before and after images

Posterior crossbite

Early surgical exposure of palatal upper cuspids



Crowding with extraction of
four premolars

Class II

Class II corrected with Crossbow

Class II corrected with Crossbow

Class II corrected with Carriere® Motion appliance

Class III open bite with extraction of 3 third molars and one second molar

Open bite with crowding

Impacted upper left canine

Congenital absence
lower premolars

Orthognathic (jaw) surgery to correct class III/congenital absence all four cuspids

Adult crowding

Adult protrusion – extract
four premolars

Deep bite class II adult treated with Crossbow appliance

Adult deep bite

Adult pre-prosthetic retreatment to close lower spaces with implant

Adult orthognathic (jaw) surgery to correct asymmetry and crossbite

Adult orthognathic (jaw) surgery to correct open bite

Adult orthognathic (jaw) surgery to correct protrusion, open bite and spacing

Adult crowding and extruded upper central incisors - Invisalign treatment

Adult pre-prosthetic treatment to center upper midline and equalize spaces for congenital absence of upper lateral incisors - Invisalign treatment

Adult crowding treated
with Invisalign

Adult open bite treated
with Invisalign

Adult protrusion treated with extraction of two upper premolars
(combination of braces and Invisalign)